Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Today I didn't do anything but go to school and come back home.
More random questions.

(1) Do you wake up easily in the morning or require coffee, exercise, or something else to get you going? I usually just get up, but sometimes I require excersize. I don't drink coffee too often.
(2) Are you anxious about anything today? What? My exams are coming up.
(3) What is something fun you are going to do today? Well, considering it's 8:12pm, I don't think I'll be having much "fun". I'm just hanging around the house.
(4) Would you rather be in a really cold place or a really hot place? Really hot. I love hot sunny weather... which is why I need to get out of this place. -50 and 3 feet of snow?
(5) Have you ever had a boyfriend that you regret dating? Yes. Lots.
(6) Do you feel younger or older than your current age? Older.
(7) What do you recycle at your house, if anything? Bottles, cans, juiceboxes, paper.
(8) Who is the boss in your house? My dad.
(9) Do you buy lottery or powerball tickets? We buy lottery.
(10) What is your own personal bedtime routine? I go to bed when I feel like it. It all depends what I did that day and what time I woke up that morning.

Penny the Piemaker.

posted by Penny @ 7:13 PM   0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
What Are My Favourites?
Pair of shoes? My white converses I got from Korea. They're amazing.
Jacket? It's a very warm brown almost-trenchcoat and it goes with everything. I love it.
Scarf? Black checkered triangle scarf.
Way to do your hair? I like to just leave it and not do much but straighten it.
TV show? Pushing Daisies and Friends.
Actor? I love Lee Pace off of Pushing Daisies.
Actor over 50? Err. Not sure.
Actress? Rachel Bilson or Kristen Chenoweth.
Actress younger than 20? Err. Also not sure.
Animal? Turtles!
Age to be? 16
Shampoo brand? Garnier / Dove
Toothpaste? Colgate!
Place to buy clothes? Doota!
Place to buy cheap stuff? Dollar Store? Haha.
Place to get icecream? Baskin Robins.
Store to buy groceries? IGA.
Halloween costume? Pumpkin?
Childhood memory? Broke my arm when I fell down the stairs in a box.
College? Harvard.
Grade? Seven.
Class in high school? Not yet in high school.

Sorry for the simple answers. I have no time!
posted by Penny @ 8:03 PM   0 comments
Saturday, March 7, 2009
The Failing Furnace
I was very excited to come back to my home after my fun but tiring vacation. Back to my warm home where I belonged... Therefore, I was not very happy when I walked into my house and the temperature was no different from outside.

Before our vacation, we did everything we needed to do before we left -- including turning down the heat. We had only turned it to 17C, but it turned out that our furnace had failed us on our time away. The failing furnace had caused many other problems including things like... the water pipes froze (no water!), the toilets froze and broke (no toilets!), the laundry machines froze (no clean clothes!)and our hot water tank exploded (yay). Thankfully we got most of that fixed, we only have one bathroom left to go. Unfortunately, all this fixing had rid us of nearly ten thousand dollars.

I was glad to be back in school, away from all the chaos at home. It was nice to see my friends again, to tell them about my vacation. I am falling behind in classes, but I'm hoping to fix that this weekend... which involves me leaving this piece of technology.

I also was planning to upload pictures, but I can't do that. We lost our pictures, hopefully not permanently. My dad took most of the pictures on our trip on his new, expensive camera, but ran out of memory on his one memory card. He had to burn the pictures onto a disc to reuse the memory card, and the disc is not doing so great.

Also, I have fallen in love with the TV series Pushing Daisies. It is about a man who can put dead things to life again with a touch. It is an amazing show.

I will upload pictures if I ever get a chance.
posted by Penny @ 5:24 AM   0 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
This is the blog I will use from now on, and this time I promise, honest to blog.

Believe me, I've tried to write many times before. I could just never finish my posts, because something would happen that would cause me to stop, and I just couldn't find myself to finish it. We never really settled in somewhere, until a couple days ago, and we're leaving tomorrow.

I'm on a small island near Jeju right now, visiting my grandparents from my mom's side. They're really cool. I met a couple of my cousins too, most of them aren't very talkative -- I tried to get a conversation going (in my horrible Korean), but only got a couple of yes's and no's. It's a really rural island, there's a lot of older people here, and lots of farms and cows and fields... and cemeteries. Lots and lots of cemeteries.

So far, we just visited some people, went shopping a couple times, went around going sight seeing and seeing things that we can learn from... my parents have been trying to teach me and my brother about Korea's history a lot. I almost get it.

Some things I've learned about Korea:
  • Almost every man here smokes! There's smoking in restaurants, houses, and when you're walking down the street, all you can smell is cigarettes in the already really polluted air.
  • People are very... fashionable? You will see guys wearing suits up on a mountain in the middle of nowhere, and wearing purses! I've never seen guys wearing purses. Everybody follows at least one fashion "rule". Everyone wears skinnie jeans or leggings, and sweaters that come up to their knees. Well, that's what I've noticed, and I'm not even that observative.
  • The service here is awesome! You don't have to go through all that crap you have to do at the airports in Canada. They let you carry liquid on the plane and the scanning and stuff is so... quick. You ask for something, and you get it in like, three minutes. It's amazing!
  • The service is great but the people aren't too friendly.

I'm taking lots of pictures, and so is my dad. I don't know if I will get to upload all of them because I don't know how to upload pictures from my dad's camera... I don't know if he'll even let me because he never lets me touch his camera. My camera ran out of batteries a couple of times and didn't get a chance to charge it because the Korean electric plug ins are different than the Canadian ones. They're circular!

I love Korean foods and snackers! They're amazingly delish.

That's all the news here for now, pretty much. I'm having an amazing time! Tonnes of fun. I miss everybody though, everyone from Clark and all my online buddies that I can't talk to as often because I'm 16 hours ahead of them. I hope you're all well but I'm missing you guys like crazy. Hopefully there's a computer in the hotel we've reserved for the rest of our trip. I'll surely be able to post more often.

Lots of love with hugs and kisses,

PS - I've been watching movies on my flights back and forth from lots of different places in Korea and the dreadfully long one from Vancouver to Seoul. I absolutely love Little Miss Sunshine, Juno, and Slumdog Millionaire. I also watched The Grudge and Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. My cousin bought be The Grudge and The Grudge 2. Catch Me If You Can was amazing. Leonardo DiCaprio is delicious!

PPS - Did I already mention all the heated floors in Korea? It's quite horrible, really. They don't really have beds often. They lay mat/blankety things down when it's time to sleep, and they remove it all during the daytime and use the room as just a room. The floors are heated to a really high temperature -- I woke up one night and I was laying on the floor and I thought I was going to die.

PPPS - I know this post is really long, but it's for all the catching up I needed to do. I'll post as much as possible from now on. Be well.

posted by Penny @ 3:39 AM   0 comments
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