Monday, March 9, 2009
What Are My Favourites?
Pair of shoes? My white converses I got from Korea. They're amazing.
Jacket? It's a very warm brown almost-trenchcoat and it goes with everything. I love it.
Scarf? Black checkered triangle scarf.
Way to do your hair? I like to just leave it and not do much but straighten it.
TV show? Pushing Daisies and Friends.
Actor? I love Lee Pace off of Pushing Daisies.
Actor over 50? Err. Not sure.
Actress? Rachel Bilson or Kristen Chenoweth.
Actress younger than 20? Err. Also not sure.
Animal? Turtles!
Age to be? 16
Shampoo brand? Garnier / Dove
Toothpaste? Colgate!
Place to buy clothes? Doota!
Place to buy cheap stuff? Dollar Store? Haha.
Place to get icecream? Baskin Robins.
Store to buy groceries? IGA.
Halloween costume? Pumpkin?
Childhood memory? Broke my arm when I fell down the stairs in a box.
College? Harvard.
Grade? Seven.
Class in high school? Not yet in high school.

Sorry for the simple answers. I have no time!
posted by Penny @ 8:03 PM  

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