Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Today I didn't do anything but go to school and come back home.
More random questions.

(1) Do you wake up easily in the morning or require coffee, exercise, or something else to get you going? I usually just get up, but sometimes I require excersize. I don't drink coffee too often.
(2) Are you anxious about anything today? What? My exams are coming up.
(3) What is something fun you are going to do today? Well, considering it's 8:12pm, I don't think I'll be having much "fun". I'm just hanging around the house.
(4) Would you rather be in a really cold place or a really hot place? Really hot. I love hot sunny weather... which is why I need to get out of this place. -50 and 3 feet of snow?
(5) Have you ever had a boyfriend that you regret dating? Yes. Lots.
(6) Do you feel younger or older than your current age? Older.
(7) What do you recycle at your house, if anything? Bottles, cans, juiceboxes, paper.
(8) Who is the boss in your house? My dad.
(9) Do you buy lottery or powerball tickets? We buy lottery.
(10) What is your own personal bedtime routine? I go to bed when I feel like it. It all depends what I did that day and what time I woke up that morning.

Penny the Piemaker.

posted by Penny @ 7:13 PM  

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